[Japanese / English]
The Second Workshop on Latent Dynamics (LD-2)
We are pleased to announce the Second
Workshop on Latent Dynamics (LD-2) in June 2011.
- Date: Jun 22 (Wed), 2011, 9:00-18:00
- Venue: Seminar Room
A&D (3rd floor on No.6 Building of School of Engineering, The
University of Tokyo)
- Hosted by Special Interest Group on Latent Dynamics
- This workshop is held in conjunction with the 5th IBISML Meeting
- Contact: ws
- Pre-registration is not needed to attend the Workshop. The
registration fee is free.
- Banquet
Organizing Committee
Call for "Impromptu" talks
In LD-2, we solicit “impromptu” talks from authors who are
interested in the concept of latent dynamics. We will NOT limit our
scope to the data mining area but welcome any field of research
including service sciences/engineering and cognitive sciences. We
request authors to send the following information to ws
latent-dynamics.net by 23:50 JST on Jun 6 (Fri), 2011.
- Author name
- Affiliation
- Title
- Abstract
Talk Abstracts
See the Japanese page.
See the Japanese page.
Paper Submission
The workshop proceedings (a collection of extended abstracts) will
be published online on this Web site. Also, we are planning to make
presentation slides of the talks available after the Workshop.
Submitting your manuscript
- Language: English or
- Format: Each submitted
paper must be either in the pdf or MS Word format. Please follow
the samples below:
- Submission: Please email
your paper to ws latent-dynamics.net as an attached
- Deadline:
23:59 JST, Jun 19 (Sun), 2011
- This is a firm deadline. Papers submitted to after this deadline will not be included in the Proceedings.